Only through the Grace of God

and by the power of the Trinity are we united in Christ.


Praise & Worship

Join us every SUNDAY in person at 10:00am.

Alternating Sunday worship services between

Grace Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church.

Please check calendar for service location.

Watch services online

Online services recorded


WOW - Worship on Wednesday is an exciting and engaging fellowship program designed specifically for kids. We believe that children are a vital part of our church family. WOW provides a fun and interactive environment where they can grow in their faith, build friendships, and experience the love of Jesus Christ.

Wednesdays, during the school year from 5:30pm (meal) to 7pm. Each summer a Vacation Bible School experience is offered in August from 8:30am to 12:30pm (with meals).

Praise Band

Our vibrant praise band leads us into the presence of God through music and song once a month at Trinity. Trinity's praise band is comprised of talented musicians and vocalists from both congregations who are dedicated to glorifying God and uplifting the spirits of all who gather to worship with us.

A message from our pastor...

Hello!  Thanks for checking us out! We would love for you to hang with us.  We are a motley crew of Jesus followers; some young, some old, some middle of the road.  We worship between two buildings and between two worlds.  The kingdom of heaven is not just a far off place that we reach after death.  God's kingdom is here and we are living in it now among God's people.      

You are part of this kingdom and we look forward to connecting with you in ways that embody the love of Christ, in service, in care, in support, in enrichment, and especially in grace.    

Worship with us, pray with us, fellowship with us, and serve with us. Because of what Christ has already done we are empowered to respond inkind

With love, grace, and peace,

Pastor Sara

Get In Touch


Tammy Mischke

Grace Lutheran Church

755 Adams Ave, Westbrook, MN, 56183

914 1st Ave, Westbrook, MN 56183, USA

Trinity Lutheran Church

914 1st Ave, Westbrook, MN, 56183

914 1st Ave, Westbrook, MN 56183, USA

Pastor Sara Shingledecker